Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need special equipment?  

The technological equipment you’ll need is a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone with an internet connection.  

How often do you run this program?  

We usually run the Money Magic program live ONCE a year. Which means you'll have to wait a whole year to do this program LIVE again with Donna. If you want to do it live, we recommend you do it now.

Why is the course so affordable? What's the Catch?  

There’s no catch.  

The reason I can afford to help you for only $888 or R8888 is that we’re working in a group. Over the many years that I’ve run this program, I’ve found that this group program often gets better results than working one-on-one.  

I also know there are a number of other Money and Financial Freedom courses online that are at $1497 or $1997 dollars or some even over $ 10 000!  

There is a Catch22 when it comes to facilitating a money course – the people who MOST need the courses, often feel like they can’t afford them.  

I have priced this program super affordable so that you can get ALL the benefit of all Money Magic and these money systems without having to go deeper into debt or dip into your home loan.  

I’m on a mission to make effective financial help available and affordable.  

We've also created an Easy 3 Payment Plan to make it even more affordable and accessible for you.  

Donna, Will I get to talk to you personally?  


Over the whole 9 weeks I will be very active on the Money Magic Private Facebook Community, answering your questions.  

PLUS The 8 x LIVE Webinars are group Question & Answer webinars with me.  

You won't be having private calls with me, however, you (along with the other participants in the program) can talk directly with me on these LIVE Webinar Q&A Sessions.  

You can ask me questions or get help and solutions to your unique money issues. Participation is completely voluntary.  

As I’m coaching the other people on these webinars, you’ll learn even more. This is because many of the answers I will give other course participants will apply directly to your situation too.  

These Webinars are Video, Audio, and Slideshow based and are highly interactive and super inspiring. Whatever reservations you may have about sharing in a group, trust me on this: the group dynamic is the very reason the Money Magic program works so well.  

I wouldn’t have the Success Story page filled with happy students sharing their stories of ease with money and transformation if the group format didn’t work.  

You are not obliged to speak on any of the webinars – you’ll get HUGE value just from listening.

Where is the course being held?  

Because this is an online course, you can attend the webinar sessions and do the modules and exercises from the comfort of your own home in a way that works best for you.

Wherever your computer is, wherever your phone is, you can participate in this course.  

What if I miss a live webinar? Can I hear it again?  

Don’t worry, the webinars are all recorded and are available for you after every live class. In fact, sometimes people are unable to attend all the sessions live.  

You may also post questions on the Private Money Magic Facebook Group for Donna to answer on the live Q&A Webinars.

You’ll feel very much a part of the Money Magic community and enjoy the camaraderie of sharing the journey with other participants.  

What are the dates and times for the Live Q&A Webinar Sessions? 

  • Monday 9 September - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 18h30 - 20h00 UK; 13h30 - 15h00 EST
  • Wednesday 18 September - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 18h30 - 20h00 UK; 13h30 - 15h00 EST
  • Thursday 26 September - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 18h30 - 20h00 UK; 13h30 - 15h00 EST
  • Thursday 1 October - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 17h30 - 19h00 UK; 13h30 - 15h00 EST
  • Monday 7 October - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 17h30 - 19h00 UK; 12h30 - 14h00 EST
  • Tuesday 15 October - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 17h30 - 19h00 UK; 12h30 - 14h00 EST
  • Wednesday 23 October- 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 17h30 - 19h00 UK; 12h30 - 14h00 EST
  • Thursday 31 October - 19h30 - 21h00 SA; 17h30 - 19h00 UK; 12h30 - 14h00 EST

Unsure of the time in your city? Please check your city here.  

Do I Receive the Entire Course at Once?

No. I designed the course to be delivered week by week. This way, you get enough time to learn the tools and practice applying them to your personal finances.  

The program is a tested system (I've been running it since 2011) and it’s designed to build on itself week by week. 

Smart people often have a particular weakness of wanting to jump ahead, saying things like, “Yeah yeah, I get it. I want to skip ahead now.” I don’t allow this. 

The goal is not to rush through the course — it’s to apply these money systems step-by-step into your life, to create SUSTAINABLE financial change.

Everything in the course is carefully calibrated to maximize your odds of success.

Over 1800 people have gone through the course and had great results. 

Trust the system. It works.

Do I need good internet or internet skills to do this course?  

If you can surf the internet and have basic computer or phone skills, you'll be absolutely fine. 

We will give you all the support we can – and you’ll see that, once you’re in the flow, it’s really easy.  

What if I’m not on Facebook? 

The feedback and support aspect of this program happens on a private Facebook group. If you are not on Facebook, you’ll miss out on this aspect as this is a very rich part of the program. 

On this Private Facebook Group, you get support from others, you get to read other people’s feedback and you get support and coaching from Donna. Because this is a PRIVATE Facebook group all of the posts are private and can’t be viewed by anyone other than people on the program.  

If you are not on Facebook, we recommend for the duration of this program that you create an Alias Facebook Profile and simply use it for the 9 weeks, just to be part of this group. 

Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?  


Because you are able to download all the materials, you can work through them at your own pace. You will have lifetime access to the Private Facebook Money Magic group and course materials. Thus you can continue to interact and learn with the course participants even after the program end date. 

And as you have lifetime access as Bonus, you get the benefit of being able to go through the program with the following group too.  

How much time will I need to allocate to the program each week? 

In my experience, the people who do best, put aside 3 – 5 hours over the week to read or listen to the Module and complete the assignments.  

Your time will be divided roughly as follows:

  • 1 hour to Listen to or Read the Module and Watch the Videos
  • 2 hours to complete the Exercises each week and interact on the Money Magic Private Community on Facebook
  • 1.5 hours for the LIVE Webinar calls every week  

Can I get a tax deductible invoice for this program?

If you run your own business or are a freelancer or contractor, we can absolutely provide you with an invoice for this Training Program which you can write-off against your tax.

We are VAT Vendors in South Africa, so there is a VAT portion that is deductible too if you are putting it through your business as training. If you'd like an invoice email us and ask


How long do I have access to the Training Materials?

You have lifetime access to everything in the program.

I have another question…  

Great, we’d love to assist you. Please email us at  

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